Support The Podcast

Thanks for your interest in supporting the show! You rock!🤘

We're just happy to have an excuse to talk to each other and share our thoughts with the world. Even if you can't do anything listed below, thank you for listening!

There are lots of ways to support the podcast!

  1. Tell a friend
  2. Shop on Amazon
  3. Get a free Audio Book from Audible
  4. Become a Patron

What do you need money for?

That is a fantastic question. We want you to know that we're investing your donations into making a better podcast for you. To date we've spent listener donations on:

Here are a few things that we'd like to do with additional money when it's available:

Tell a friend

One of the best things you can do to support the show is help us get more listeners. Tell your friends and coworkers about the podcast. A word of mouth referral is worth dozens of 5-star ratings to someone who is trying to decide what to listen to.

Really enjoy an episode? Post about it on your social media! You might be surprised how much that sort of testimonial can help...

Shop on Amazon

In the unlikely event that you're not familiar with the way Amazon affiliate links work, here's the TL;DR:

* Anything?! Yes, anything. Adam has received referral dollars for someone's underwear purchases and he's positive he's never sent out underwear referral links. We can see what you buy, so be sure to prank us by buying all kinds of weird stuff with our referral link! 😜

Get an Audible trial

You're smart people. You know how this works. You get the free trial (of a fantastic product that we legitimately love!), it costs you nothing, and we get a small kick-back. No commitment. Cancel any time. Yadda yadda. It's win-win, really. 😄

Just follow our link: or click this banner ad that your ad-blocker is probably blocking:

Become a Patron

If you think we've earned it we would love to have you as a supporter on Patreon:

Benefits for Patrons

To show our appreciation for our patrons, we provide them these benefits:

Every patron, at every tier, gets access to our aftershow and all episodes arrive early -- as soon as they're done being edited.

  1. Our first tier is just $4 per month; ostensibly $1 per episode. For months containing 5 weeks, the 5th one is on us! You'll also be granted a special "Supporter" role in Discord so that everyone can see you contribute to the longevity of the show.
  2. We have a middle tier with virtually no other benefits! If you're feeling generous and want to give us a little more ($15 per month), we'll gladly unburden you of your money. You will, however, get the "Backer" role in Discord.
  3. Top-tier supporters are truly embodying the spirit of Patronage and helping fund the show in a way that sustains us long-term by donating $30 per month. It's possible that there's nothing we could do to repay this kindness, but we're going to do our best! We'll read your name (or a surrogate moniker of your choosing) on every show, and whenever we do something new and exciting (merch? special goodies?) these fine folks will get it all first.


After we end each episode we keep the microphones recording for another 10-20 minutes and talk about... well, anything we want to! Topics there are random and everything is fair game! Sometimes it's secret stuff, sometimes it's completely random, sometimes we'll tease it during the episode. Like a box of chocolates with no key, you never know what you're going to get!

For instance, this happened:

On the surprises I get when recording @WorkingCodePod with these guys @AdamTuttle, @BenNadel, and @timcunningham71

— Carol (@k_Roll242) February 5, 2021